New relationship reinforces 5Star Life’s growing market presence
We are pleased to announce our newest partnership. 5Star Life Insurance Company (5Star Life) will soon
place its group Family Protection Plan (FPP) on the Bay Bridge Administration (BBA) marketing and
administrative platform. Our FPP product, offering level benefits and premium to age 121, represents a
unique addition to the growing portfolio of products and services provided by BBA, and with time, we look
forward to expanding our relationship as we offer valuable benefits and a focused dedication to our
partners and insureds.
With nearly 40 years of experience in the administration of employee benefits, BBA’s market approach
aligns perfectly with our own commitment to differentiation through attentive and knowledgeable service.
Bay Bridge Administration
Bay Bridge is a leading Third Party Administrative (TPA) service provider with fully insured employee
benefit plans. Bay Bridge partners with top innovative carriers to bring proprietary products to the private
and public sectors that f it employers’ and employees’ needs.
Their client and carrier relations, innovative technological platform, administrative solutions, and customer
service attention enable them to deliver the highest quality service. As a TPA they provide full
administration services, including billing, claims, commissions, eligibility tracking, policy issuing and
customer service.
5Star Life Insurance Company
Rooted in a legacy of service, 5Star Life Insurance Company delivers benefits purpose-built for
employees critical to our communities. With a mission-driven focus, customizable solutions, and a
compassionate claims process, we provide our policyholders with the security they deserve and the
protection their loved ones need. Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, 5Star Life is currently licensed in 49
states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.
5Star Life Insurance Company. The partner of choice on the journey of life.