Our unique method
5Star Life Insurance Company’s (5Star Life) innovative “pod” concept enables our brokers to work with the same dedicated team during the sales, enrollment, new business issue, and post-sale phases. We get to know you and you get to know us which allows us to deliver a highly personalized level of service. We believe that our commitment to service is one of the reasons Forbes recognized us as one of the top life insurance companies in 2023.

What is a POD?
- POD stands for Partner Optimized Distribution.
- Each POD is made up of a sales lead, account manager, case manager, new business, call center, and claims rep.
- Enables everyone – sales, group set up, and new business issue, service, and claims – to understand the broker and their business throughout the life of the relationship.

How do POD teams work?
POD teams meet on a weekly basis to discuss issues. The setup allows us to be responsive, hear broker’s concern, address concerns, and disseminate information back to the various operational teams.

Why a POD?
A POD set up allows us to provide personalized service to the broker and their clients.